High quality product is number one!

Main big reason to put the Music itself and it’s Quality on the first place is because we are Artists, Creators and Producers at our core skills and everything else – second, third, etc. Marketers say that marketing nowadays is nearly as important and I agree but what you’re going to “sell” if there is no product? – asked the producer. “And why would you produce something and don’t let anyone know that you did?” – answered the marketer.

Both points of view are correct because both Product (music) and Marketing (promotion) make up 2 of the 3 legs of the successful artist concept.

Power of marketing may push even a piece of crap to the market but people around us are not idiots.

When a person got annoyed convinced and bought something that was not worth the money, this person will never come back again. We want them to come back because we’re creating more and more stuff every week/month/year/etc. That’s why we need to produce our music at the best possible quality we are capable of at the moment.

Nearly every marketing book says that customer retention is cheaper than efforts on gaining a new customer.

That’s why we all know about loyalty programs and memberships in the world of big brands. These marketing instruments engage people with the brand and make them want to come back. Now let’s get to the topic of Product and its Quality and define it by breaking down to its elements.

Ground Idea is a starting point

Generating fresh ideas may become a big challenge for creative people and for those with less developed creative muscle – a hopeless dead end. Some people believe that ideas come from Cosmos. People are learning to meditate and execute tons of other practices to help them connect to the central database of ideas. I tend to believe that yes, all ideas come from the Matrix but only as a piece of raw data. This data still requires to be read, interpreted and reshaped into a simple plug-and-play format.

Any type of thinking or data rendering has to break through the physical body resistance.

Brain is the most powerful processor on Earth. To perform “calculations” brain consumes the most amount of energy in our body. When we force our brain to find a creative idea or an out-of-the-box solution it starts to operate at its maximum level of power consumption.

At the same time, by system defaults, our brain wants to save as much energy in the body as possible.

That is why creative thinking is usually out of scope in our daily lives. People are acting subconsciously or intuitively most of the time. Ever happened to you when driving your car from home to work, sometimes you remember only how you entered the can and how you arrived but not the actual process of driving? Walking on known routes happens automatically with less calculating power consumption.

Knowing that this internal brain resistance exists we need to get even more creative and find ways of putting our brain into creative mode.

In the next article I will describe several methods that I often use to put my brain into creative mode when starting new music and video productions.

Produce, Release, Repeat…


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